Introduction to the title
The title
command in Windows allows you to change the title of the Command Prompt window. By default, it displays “Command Prompt,” but with this command, you can set any text for better organization, especially useful when running batch files or handling multiple windows simultaneously.
Main Uses
- Managing multiple command prompt windows: When working with several command prompt windows, assigning different titles to each helps avoid confusion.
- Changing the title during batch file execution: You can dynamically display titles based on the progress or content of your batch files.
- Visual organization: Display relevant tasks or script names in the title to make it easier to track progress.
How to Use the title
The title
command lets you set a custom title for the command prompt window.
Basic Syntax
title <new title>
new title
: The title you wish to display in the Command Prompt window.
- Changing the Command Prompt window title to “My Script”
title My Script
This changes the current command prompt window title to “My Script.”
- Dynamically changing titles in a batch file
@echo off
title Running the script...
echo Starting the process
timeout 5
title Process completed
This example dynamically updates the window title based on the progress of the batch script, letting users monitor the current status.
Considerations When Using the title
- Title length: Long titles may be truncated, so keep titles concise.
- Special characters: It’s possible to use special characters in titles, but escaping them may be necessary in some cases.
Practical Use Cases
1. Visually differentiate between multiple windows
start cmd /K title Data Processing
start cmd /K title Log Review
This example shows how you can open multiple command prompt windows with different titles to visually separate tasks, like data processing and log review.
2. Displaying status in a batch file
@echo off
title Batch process started
echo Starting the process
timeout 3
title Processing intermediate step
echo Intermediate step in progress
timeout 3
title Batch process completed
echo Process completed
Here, the window title is used to display the batch file’s status, allowing users to see the current stage of processing at a glance.
The title
command is a valuable tool for customizing Command Prompt window titles in Windows, especially when working with batch files or managing multiple windows. By setting titles based on task type or progress, you can maintain better visual organization and control over your work.

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