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Complete Guide to the Start Command in Windows | Launch Multiple Programs and Files Easily

The start command is a versatile tool in Windows that allows users to launch programs, open files, and even access websites from the command line. Whether you are managing multiple tasks or automating workflows, the start command can simplify how you interact with different applications and files.


What is the Start Command?

The start command in Windows is used to launch programs, open files, or access URLs with ease. It opens applications in a new command window or directly runs files using their associated programs. This command is particularly useful when you need to start multiple programs at once or automate specific tasks.

Main Uses of the Start Command

  • Launching applications: Quickly start software from the command line.
  • Opening websites: Open URLs in your default browser.
  • Opening files: Launch files using their associated applications.

How to Use the Start Command

The start command allows you to run specified programs, files, or websites in a new window. It is ideal for opening multiple applications simultaneously or automating file access.

Basic Syntax:

start [options] <program_or_file_name>

Key Options Overview:

/D <path>Sets the working directory for the launched program.
/IIgnores the current environment and starts with a new environment.
/MINStarts the program minimized.
/MAXStarts the program maximized.
/WAITWaits for the program to close before continuing.
/BStarts the program without opening a new window.
/REALTIMEStarts the program with real-time priority.
/?Displays help for the command.

Examples of Using the Start Command

1. Launching an Application

start notepad.exe

Explanation: This launches Notepad.

2. Opening a Website

start https://www.example.com

Explanation: This opens the specified URL in your default browser.

3. Running a Program from a Specific Directory

start /D "C:\Program Files\MyApp" MyApp.exe

Explanation: This starts MyApp.exe from the C:\Program Files\MyApp directory.

4. Opening a File with its Default Program

start document.pdf

Explanation: This opens document.pdf with the default PDF viewer.

5. Waiting for a Program to Close Before Continuing

start /WAIT notepad.exe

Explanation: The command prompt waits until Notepad is closed before continuing with the next command.

6. Launching a Program Maximized

start /MAX notepad.exe

Explanation: This opens Notepad in a maximized window.

Practical Uses of the Start Command

1. Launching Multiple Applications via a Batch File

You can create a batch file to open several applications at once:

@echo off
start notepad.exe
start calc.exe

Explanation: This batch file opens both Notepad and the Calculator at the same time.

2. Opening Multiple Websites

@echo off
start https://www.google.com
start https://www.example.com

Explanation: This batch file opens two websites simultaneously in your default browser.

3. Waiting for a Program to Finish Before Proceeding

@echo off
start /WAIT notepad.exe
echo Notepad has closed.

Explanation: The script waits for Notepad to close before displaying a message.

Important Considerations When Using the Start Command

  • Correct Path Formatting: When paths contain spaces, enclose the path in double quotes (" "), such as start "C:\Program Files\MyApp\app.exe.
  • Using the /WAIT Option: The /WAIT option is useful when you need to pause a script until a program finishes, but be cautious with long-running GUI applications that may delay the next step of the script.
  • Maximized and Minimized Windows: Using /MAX and /MIN allows control over how the program window appears, which is helpful for managing screen space or multitasking efficiently.


The start command is a powerful utility for efficiently managing programs, files, and URLs in Windows. With its flexible options, you can control how applications open, whether they run in the background, and whether the system should wait for them to close. This makes the command ideal for use in batch files, automation scripts, and daily tasks where multiple programs need to be managed at once.


Thank you for reading!


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