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How to Use the rpcping Command | Verify RPC Communication in Windows

The rpcping command is a useful tool for testing the status of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) communications in Windows. By using this command, you can verify whether RPC services are operating correctly and check if connections to specific servers or endpoints are possible. Since RPC is crucial for processes that communicate across distributed systems, rpcping is an essential tool for network administrators.


What is the rpcping Command?

The rpcping command allows users to verify the status of RPC communications between systems. It tests whether a remote RPC server or service is reachable and functioning properly, and it also allows testing of specific protocol sequences, endpoints, and security configurations.

Key Uses of the rpcping Command

  • Test RPC Server Connections: Ensure that network communication with a remote RPC server is possible.
  • Validate Specific Protocols or Interfaces: Test connections using protocols like TCP and UDP, and verify communication with specific interface UUIDs.
  • Check Security Settings: Confirm that secure communication, including authentication and encryption, is functioning properly.

How to Use the rpcping Command

The rpcping command uses various parameters to test different aspects of RPC communications. You can specify the protocol, server address, interface UUID, and security options for precise diagnostics.

Basic Syntax

rpcping /t <protseq> /s <server_addr> /e <endpoint>
/t <protseq>Specifies the protocol sequence (e.g., ncacn_ip_tcp, ncacn_np, ncacn_http).
/s <server_addr>Specifies the address of the server. If omitted, the local host is used.
/e <endpoint>Specifies the endpoint to ping. If not provided, the endpoint mapper is pinged.
/f <interface UUID>Specifies the UUID of the interface to ping, along with the version if needed.
/i <#_iterations>Repeats the ping a specified number of times. The default is 1.
/u <security_package>Specifies the security package (e.g., NTLM, Kerberos) for secure communication.
/a <authn_level>Specifies the authentication level (e.g., connect, call, pkt, integrity, privacy).
/?Displays help information for the command.

Common Examples

  1. Ping an RPC Server on the Local Host
   rpcping /t ncacn_ip_tcp /s localhost

Explanation: Pings the local RPC server using the ncacn_ip_tcp protocol. Since no endpoint is specified, the endpoint mapper is used.

  1. Ping an RPC Server on a Remote Host
   rpcping /t ncacn_http /s example.com /e 135

Explanation: Pings the RPC endpoint (port 135) on the remote host example.com using the ncacn_http protocol.

  1. Ping a Specific Interface UUID
   rpcping /t ncacn_ip_tcp /s example.com /f 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc,1

Explanation: Tests whether the RPC server at example.com responds to the interface UUID 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc (version 1) using the ncacn_ip_tcp protocol.

  1. Test with a Specific Security Package and Authentication Level
   rpcping /t ncacn_ip_tcp /s example.com /u NTLM /a privacy

Explanation: Uses the NTLM security package and sets the authentication level to privacy while pinging the remote RPC server.

Use Cases for the rpcping Command

  • Network Diagnostics: The rpcping command is often used for testing RPC communications, making it useful in diagnosing network issues, especially in applications that rely on RPC.
  • Remote Server Response Check: Validate that a remote server’s RPC services are responsive, helping ensure that the server and network connections are functioning properly.
  • Security Testing: By specifying security packages and authentication levels, you can confirm that secure RPC communications are configured correctly.

Precautions When Using the rpcping Command

  • Endpoint Accuracy: Ensure that the endpoint or interface UUID specified is correct, as inaccurate information will yield incorrect results.
  • Security Settings: When using security packages and authentication levels, make sure they align with the server’s configuration to avoid failed connections.


The rpcping command is a vital tool for testing and troubleshooting RPC communications in Windows. Whether you are checking network connectivity, verifying service availability, or ensuring that secure communication protocols are functioning correctly, rpcping provides detailed feedback on the state of your RPC infrastructure. It is especially useful for network administrators and system managers in distributed environments.


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