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How to Use the Msg Command and Send Messages Between Users on Windows

The msg command in Windows allows administrators to send messages to other users, whether on the local machine or across a network. It’s a useful tool for communicating system updates, maintenance alerts, and more, especially in networked environments where timely communication is essential.


What is the Msg Command?

The msg command is used in Windows to send messages to users on a local or networked machine. It allows you to send messages to specific users, sessions, or all users on a system, making it ideal for administrators to notify users about maintenance, shutdowns, or important updates.

Primary Uses

  • Send Messages to Local Users: Notify other users on the same machine.
  • Network-wide Notifications: Send alerts to remote users on the network.
  • Emergency Maintenance Alerts: Quickly notify all users about urgent system updates or reboots.

How to Use the Msg Command

With the msg command, you can send messages to users across the network or on your local machine. You specify the target user, session, or machine, along with the message you want to send.

Basic Syntax

msg [username | sessionname | sessionid | @filename | *] [message]
[username]The username of the recipient.
[sessionname | sessionid]The specific session to send the message to.
[*]Send the message to all users on the local computer.
[message]The content of the message you want to send.

Example Usages

  1. Send a Message to a Specific User
    To send a message to a specific user on your local computer:
   msg Tamaglo "System maintenance will begin in 5 minutes."

Explanation: Sends the message “System maintenance will begin in 5 minutes” to the user Tamaglo.

  1. Send a Message to All Users
    You can broadcast a message to all active users on the local machine:
   msg * "Server will restart in 15 minutes."

Explanation: Sends a message to all users notifying them about the server restart.

  1. Send a Message to a Remote User
    To send a message to a user on a remote computer:
   msg /server:RemotePC Tamaglo "The update on the remote machine is complete."

Explanation: Sends a message to the user Tamaglo on the remote machine RemotePC.

  1. Send a Message to a Specific Session
    If a user is running multiple sessions, you can send a message to a specific session by its ID:
   msg 2 "Message for session 2."

Explanation: Sends the message to the session with ID 2.

Msg Command Options

The msg command comes with several options to customize how the messages are sent and displayed.

/server:<servername>Sends the message to users on a specific remote server.
/time:<seconds>Sets how long the message is displayed before closing automatically.
/vDisplays detailed information about the message sending process.
/wWaits for a confirmation after the message is sent.

Example Usages

  1. Send a Timed Message
    To display a message for a specified number of seconds:
   msg Tamaglo /time:30 "System shutdown will begin in 30 seconds."

Explanation: Displays a message to user Tamaglo for 30 seconds before it disappears automatically.

  1. Send a Message to a Remote Server
    To notify users on a remote server about upcoming maintenance:
   msg /server:Server01 Admin "Server maintenance is about to begin."

Explanation: Sends a message to the Admin user on Server01 informing them about server maintenance.

Practical Applications of the Msg Command

Sending Emergency Maintenance Notices

The msg command is invaluable for quickly sending maintenance or emergency notifications to all users, ensuring they save their work and prepare for a system shutdown.

msg * "Emergency maintenance: The system will shut down in 10 minutes."

Explanation: Notifies all users about an impending system shutdown for maintenance.

Automating Notifications with Batch Files

By using batch scripts, you can automate notifications at specific times or events. For example, sending a notification before restarting the system for scheduled maintenance:

@echo off
msg * "System will restart for maintenance. Please save your work."
shutdown -r -t 600

Explanation: Sends a notification to all users about an upcoming system restart and then initiates the restart 10 minutes later.

Key Considerations When Using the Msg Command

  • Network Configuration: When sending messages to remote machines, ensure your network is properly configured to allow such communications. Firewalls or network restrictions may block the message.
  • Administrator Privileges: The msg command often requires administrator privileges to send messages to other users, especially across a network.
  • Session Activity: If a user’s session is not active, the message may not be delivered.

When to Recommend the Msg Command

The msg command is particularly useful when you need to quickly send alerts or notifications to users on your local machine or across a network. It’s ideal for system administrators who need to communicate maintenance or emergency notices efficiently.


The msg command is a powerful tool for sending messages to users and sessions in Windows. It’s an essential tool for system administrators needing to notify users of system changes, shutdowns, or maintenance. Whether sending messages locally or across a network, the msg command simplifies communication, especially in time-sensitive situations.


Thank you for reading!


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