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How to Use the ftype Command for Managing File Types | Customizing File Associations in Windows

The ftype command in Windows allows users to view and manage the programs associated with specific file types. By defining file associations, you can control which application opens a particular file extension. This command is often used in conjunction with the assoc command for more detailed customization.


What is the ftype Command?

The ftype command in Windows is used to display and configure the programs associated with specific file types (or extensions). By associating a file type with a command, you determine which application will open a given file extension. This command is often paired with the assoc command, which links file extensions to file types.

Primary Uses

  • View File Type Associations: Check which program is associated with a specific file type.
  • Set File Associations: Change the default application for opening a particular file extension.
  • Customize Commands: Modify the command used to open or manipulate files of a certain type.

How to Use the ftype Command

The ftype command is used to set or display file type associations in Windows. After associating a file extension with a file type using the assoc command, the ftype command is used to define the action for that file type.

Basic Syntax

ftype [filetype=[command]]


  • filetype: The file type name (e.g., txtfile).
  • [command]: The command to execute when files of this type are opened.

Usage Examples

  1. Listing All File Type Associations
    To display all file types and their associated commands, use:

Explanation: This lists all current file types and their associated commands.

  1. Checking a Specific File Type Association
    To check the command associated with a particular file type (e.g., txtfile for .txt files):
   ftype txtfile

Explanation: Displays the command used to open .txt files, typically linked to a text editor like Notepad.

  1. Setting a New File Type Association
    To change the program that opens .txt files (e.g., setting Notepad++ as the default editor):
   ftype txtfile="C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "%1"

Explanation: This sets Notepad++ to open files of type txtfile, where %1 represents the full file path.

  1. Using the ftype Command with assoc
    First, use assoc to link a file extension to a file type, then set the action with ftype:
   assoc .log=logfile
   ftype logfile="C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe" "%1"

Explanation: This links .log files to logfile and sets Notepad as the default application for opening them.

Practical Applications of the ftype Command

Setting a Custom Editor

You can configure multiple file types to open with a specific editor. For example, to open both .txt and .log files with Notepad++:

assoc .txt=txtfile
assoc .log=logfile
ftype txtfile="C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "%1"
ftype logfile="C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "%1"

Explanation: Both .txt and .log files will now open with Notepad++.

Customizing URL File Settings

You can configure .url files (internet shortcuts) to open with a specific browser:

assoc .url=InternetShortcut
ftype InternetShortcut="C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" "%1"

Explanation: All .url files will open in Firefox, regardless of the default system browser.

Key Considerations When Using the ftype Command

  • Administrator Permissions: Changing file associations requires administrative privileges. Ensure that the command prompt is run as an administrator.
  • Order of Commands: Always use the assoc command to assign a file extension to a file type before setting the command with ftype.
  • Correct Use of %1: Remember to include %1 in your command string, as it represents the full file path that will be passed to the program.

When to Recommend the ftype Command

The ftype command is ideal for users who want to customize which programs open specific file types. This is especially useful for power users who need to modify default programs or script certain actions for file types in batch files.


The ftype command is a powerful tool in Windows for managing file type associations. By combining it with the assoc command, users can fully customize which applications open different file extensions. Whether you need to set up a custom editor for specific file types or streamline file operations, ftype allows for flexible, tailored file management in Windows.


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