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How to Use the DiskPart Command for Disk Management | Partition Operations in Windows

The DiskPart command is a powerful command-line tool in Windows used for managing disks, partitions, and volumes. Whether you need to initialize a new disk, create or delete a partition, or expand or shrink volumes, DiskPart allows you to perform these tasks directly through the command prompt. It’s especially useful for advanced users or system administrators who want greater control over their disk management operations.


What is the DiskPart Command?

DiskPart is a command-line tool in Windows that provides a range of functions for managing disks, partitions, and volumes. With DiskPart, you can perform tasks like disk initialization, partition creation, volume expansion, and shrinking, all from the command line, offering more flexibility than GUI-based disk management tools.

Main Uses

  • Disk Initialization and Management: Initialize new disks, and check disk details.
  • Partition Creation and Deletion: Create, delete, and format partitions as needed.
  • Volume Expansion and Shrinking: Adjust volumes by expanding or shrinking them based on available space.

How to Use the DiskPart Command

DiskPart is used interactively after entering the diskpart command in the command prompt. Once inside, you can run various commands to manage disks and partitions.

Basic Syntax


After entering diskpart, you are taken to a DiskPart-specific command prompt where you can use additional commands to manage your system’s storage.

Common Subcommands

list diskLists all connected disks.
select disk <n>Selects the specified disk (e.g., select disk 0).
list partitionLists partitions on the selected disk.
create partition primary size=<size>Creates a primary partition with the specified size (in MB).
delete partitionDeletes the selected partition.
extendExpands the selected volume using unallocated space.
shrink desired=<size>Shrinks the selected volume by the specified amount (in MB).
list volumeLists all volumes on the system.
assign letter=<drive letter>Assigns a drive letter to the selected volume.


  1. Listing All Disks
    To list all connected disks:
   list disk

Explanation: This command displays all connected disks, along with their size and available space, helping you identify the correct disk for further actions.

  1. Creating a Partition
    To create a new partition of 50GB on disk 1:
   select disk 1
   create partition primary size=50000

Explanation: This selects disk 1 and creates a 50GB primary partition. Ideal for initializing new disks for use.

  1. Deleting a Partition
    To delete an existing partition:
   select disk 1
   list partition
   select partition 1
   delete partition

Explanation: This selects partition 1 on disk 1 and deletes it. Be cautious, as this will erase all data on the partition.

  1. Expanding a Volume
    To extend a volume using unallocated space:
   select volume 2

Explanation: This command extends volume 2 using available unallocated space. Useful for increasing storage capacity on existing volumes.

Use Cases for DiskPart

Initializing a New Disk

When connecting a new disk to your computer, you may need to initialize and format it before it can be used.

select disk 2
create partition primary
format fs=ntfs quick
assign letter=E

Explanation: This selects disk 2, wipes it clean, creates a new primary partition, quickly formats it with the NTFS file system, and assigns it the letter E.

Deleting Unnecessary Partitions

You can delete partitions you no longer need to free up space on a disk.

select disk 1
select partition 2
delete partition

Explanation: This deletes partition 2 on disk 1. Make sure to verify that the partition contains no important data before deletion.

Things to Keep in Mind When Using DiskPart

  • Back Up Data: DiskPart operations can result in data loss, especially when deleting or cleaning partitions. Always back up important data before proceeding.
  • Administrator Privileges: DiskPart requires administrator privileges to run. Be sure to open the command prompt as an administrator.
  • Careful Selection: Ensure you have selected the correct disk or partition before performing any operations to avoid accidentally erasing the wrong data.

When to Recommend Using DiskPart

DiskPart is a powerful tool for initializing new disks, managing partitions, and resizing volumes. It offers more control than GUI-based disk management tools, making it ideal for system administrators and advanced users who need detailed and flexible disk management capabilities. Whether you’re preparing a new drive for use, expanding a volume, or cleaning up partitions, DiskPart is the go-to tool for efficient storage management.


The DiskPart command is a highly effective tool for managing disks, partitions, and volumes in Windows. It allows for disk initialization, partition creation and deletion, and volume resizing, making it essential for maintaining and optimizing your system’s storage. Use DiskPart carefully, as its powerful commands can result in data loss if used incorrectly.


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